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SVAOC Partnering Schools Outreach Program for Technology (OPT) 

The Seneca Valley School District is pleased to present area school districts with the opportunity for a great partnership!
Partnering with Seneca Valley will enable your district to save money and oversee your students' cyber education. You will be able to invite students back from cyber charter schools and provide current students an option besides withdrawing from traditional classes to attend a charter school. Students can utilize this virtual education to create a more flexible schedule, explore career options, and ultimately earn credits toward graduation.
View the pages listed in the column on the left (or in the drop-down menu above if using a mobile device) to learn more about this new and exciting opportunity that will lead your district to finding academic success for all students.
For more information on the Seneca Valley Academy of Choice (SVAOC) Partnering Schools Outreach Program for Technology (OPT),  please contact Matthew Pournaras, SVAOC OPT Coordinator at (724)-452-6040, ext. 1015 

2023-2024 OPT Live Session Schedules